The big 3 cool languages for making binary executables. Learning in the wrong way with ChatGPT.

Why these 3?

The goal is to create binary executables for all platforms. So, I picked these three:

  • Go: Because everyone uses it.
  • Rust: Because the cool kids tell you they use it.
  • Nim: Because I am a Python developer.

Honorable mention:

  • Typescript: The only way to create an executables with Typescript is with deno compile. Check out my deno compile writeup to see why I will not touch it again.
  • Python: Not worth exploring it here.
  • Zig: Everyone says it is the new cool thing, but let’s wait till 2030.

Disclaimer: I will be using ChatGPT to tutor me through this process.


ChatGPT spits out this code:

import os

proc printHello(input: string) =
    echo "Hello, " & input

proc main() =
    var input: string
    echo "Enter your name:"

when isMainModule:

So, ChatGPT starts with bad code.

  • Unnecessary import of the os library.
  • Error related to readline.
    • proc readLine(f: File): string required type for f: File but expression 'input' is of type: string
    • The variable input is being declared then subsequently that variable is passed to the readLine function??
  • Needs better type declaration and assignments.

Although I like they are are using isMainModule here, which I believe is the same as if __name__ == '__main__' of Python.

The acceptable code:

proc printHello(input: string) =
    echo "Hello, " & input

proc main() =
    echo "Enter your name:"
    const input: str = readLine(stdin)

when isMainModule:

Running the script:

nim c -r hello.nim

For release build:

nim c -d:release hello.nim


Moving on to Rust.

use std::io;

fn print_hello(input: &str) {
    println!("Hello, {}!", input);

fn main() {
    println!("Enter your name:");
    let mut input = String::new();
    io::stdin().read_line(&mut input).expect("Failed to read input");
    let input = input.trim();

I have no idea how to even attempt to read Rust code. But I will try to learn as I go. Compared to our previous script:

  • We are using a mut for mutable declaration
  • We have error catch statement via expect
  • We are running a trim operation which strips whitespaces of input string.

Initiate a Rust project with:

cargo new hello

Running the script:

cargo run

For release build:

cargo build --release


Time for Go.

package main

import (

func printHello(input string) {
	fmt.Printf("Hello, %s!\n", input)

func main() {
	reader := bufio.NewReader(os.Stdin)
	fmt.Println("Enter your name:")
	input, _ := reader.ReadString('\n')
	input = input[:len(input)-1]

Why the heck are we importing bufio? I asked ChatGPT that and it said sorry and gave me this:

package main

import (

func printHello(input string) {
	fmt.Printf("Hello, %s!\n", input)

func main() {
	var input string
	fmt.Println("Enter your name:")
	_, err := fmt.Scanln(&input)
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Println("Error reading input:", err)

This looks more okay to me.

So, Running this:

go run .\hello.go

Building for release.

go build -ldflags "-s -w" .\hello.go


Rank Language Description size
🦀 Rust Good code, but no idea what I am reading. 167 KB
👑 Nim Not popular enough to have good AI generated code. 176 KB
🐀 Go Bigger executable file, and moderately bad AI generated code. 1,420 KB

If you are going to learn a language, pick a popular one with lots of answers on the web.